Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween 2008
We had a great time this Halloween! Went continued our tradition of going to Mike and Kelly's house for dinner and trick-or-treating. They live in a really cute neighborhood. Konner had not only Jordan and Tre to go with, but Sam and Dylan were there too. Lots of fun memories. Konner wanted to take Buster trick-or-treating with him so I agreed to take our 41/2 month old yellow lab with us. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! Buter (the yellow lab) had a costume and everything but did not like having to walk on the leash with us. He was a nightmare! Cute - but a nightmare all the same! Johnny had to handle the puppy most of the time, he was trilled let me asure you. The kids had fun and Konner didn't even pay attention to Buster (that he just had to take along) was the candy started coming his way. Thanks Kelly and Mike for another wonder night!
Cute Kid Alert!!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
First Game
T-ball Gang
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Little Ryan" and Konner
Monday, September 8, 2008
Daddy to the Rescue!
Johnny was "Johnny on the spot" when Konner lost his swimmy in 8 feet of water. When Johnny realized Konner was going to have troubles staying above water with only one swimmy, he dove in to help Konner. Johnny was not wearing a swim suit. He had on his clothes with hat and sunglasses and Blackberry in his pocket! Konner didn't even have time to realize he was in trouble! I hate that Johnny's phone was ruin, but I'm so thankful that Konner is fine and no worse for the wear!! Thanks Daddy!
Labor Day 2008
We all went to our neighbor's cookout on Labor Day. Konner had a blast! They have a pool with a slide and diving board. Konner LOVED it!!! He stayed in that pool for almost 5 hours straight. This kid was amazing everyone!!!!! We all couldn't believe some of the things he was willing to try. He loves the water and has absolutely no fear of it. Johnny and I are going to sign him up for swimming this winter just so he can stay in practice and learn some more techniques.

Zac and Buster
I know it has been hard for some of you to believe me when I tell you Zac is VERY tolerant of Buster. Well here is proof!!!! Zac even allows Buster to come into his crate with him!!! Obviously, this won't happen for too long b/c Buster is getting so big! Zac is such a great dog and is really mellowing in his old age.
Who's to Blame?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
At Bat
The mass confusion started when the kids got their chance at bat. Konner, for instance, would hit the ball but instead of running to first base, he would want to chase down his own ball. When we finally got him on first base and the next kid hit the ball, Konner wanted to chase down the ball instead of running to second base!!!! This continued until he was on third. It finally clicked and he went running home when the ball was hit. Fortunately, my kid was not the only one doing this. We had to have a parent at each base to help these kids find their way "home!" So every time the ball was hit, everyone started yelling and screaming!!!! It was one of the most hilarious things to witness!!!! I had a lot of fun out there with them but more importantly, Konner had a lot of fun and didn't even want to leave after almost 1 1/2 hours of practice!!!!!

The Gang
It's been a while since I last posted anything. But I wanted to share with you the pictures from Konner's first T-Ball practice. There are 12 kids on the team including Konner's best little buddy, Jackson. They all learned the basics yesterday. They learned about home, first, second and third bases. They practice running them and then they practiced with each coach, in small groups, how to throw and catch the ball. Amazingly, they all did pretty well at this stage. They followed directions better then I ever thought they would! But that success didn't last long. When it came time for batting - it was MASS CONFUSION!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
First Bath
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Konner & Friends
Konner has two friends from his preschool that he has become good buddies with. They each have been over here to play and we always seem to end up outside playing baseball. So here are a few pics to enjoy!
Konner, Jackson & Zac (of course)!
Konner, Jackson,Zac & Lucky
Konner & Jarod
Konner & Jarod
Konner & Jarod
Konner, Jackson & Zac (of course)!
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