Hi everyone!!!! I just wanted to introduce to you our newest member of the family. We call him Buster!!! Much to my and Konner's surprise, Johnny agreed to let us get a new puppy. Thanks to Uncle Bill and Aunt Susan (and Luke of course!), we now have a wonderful, healthy, very intelligent and energetic yellow lab. He is a trooper! His first night with us was great. He is only 5 weeks old but handle the transition from his mama and siblings to our house and Zac with the bravery of the biggest of dogs! Lucky had no problems and is handling things fine. Zac, well let's just say he had issues the first night and a little the next day. Now, things are a lot better. Buster knows what to expect from Zac and most of the time stays out of his way. He is not a coward though, he has gone straight up to Zac and kissed him right on the mouth and lived to tell about it!
Konner is very excited and wakes up early EVERY morning to say good morning to Buster! He is really responsible now about picking up his toys so Buster doesn't swallow something that could hurt him. I am very proud of my little guy. It warms my heart to see how much he loves and cares for this puppy. Thank you again, Uncle Bill and Aunt Susan, for giving us such a wonderful gift! We will have many, many years of fun and excitement with Buster.
Buster's First Night

Buster's First Toy
Best Buds

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