I know I am wayyyyy behind but here we go!!!!
As you all know Konner turned 4 on Nov. 2nd. Hard to believe my baby is 4 already. But we had planned a great party for him and it was great. I got really, really, really sick and was stuck in my bedroom all day and couldn't really associate with anyone, but Konner had a great time and that's all that matters. I rented an inflatable for the kids, I had a huge rope for tug-o-war, pin the medal on the "champ" and my wonderful neighbors brought over their horses and took all the kids for a ride on the horse! It was great and I missed it all! :( I wasn't the only one who missed all of the fun. My mom (yes, my mom!) was very sick too and couldn't come. Great Aunt Susan, who adores Konner and we adore her, couldn't make it because her and Uncle Bill were very sick too.
I know you are probably wondering how we all got so sick at the same time. Well, Firday night before Konner's b-day we all went over to Aunt Kelly's house for trick-or-treating with her and her family. They have a really cute neighborhood and as you all know, we have nothing but cows around us. Anyway, Kelly's gang had just got over this sickness but I guess it was still harboring in the house. Everyone that was there that night started getting sick Sat. evening and it lasted about a week. Somehow, though, Konner and Johnny escaped the bug. I am very thankful for that. It would have been horrible for Konner to be that sick especially on his b-day.
Anyway, back to the party. Kelly did make up for getting us all so sick because between her and Shannon, they made sure Konner was happy and everyone was having a good time and I had plenty of pictures to look at the next day. Thank you two very much!!!!! And thank you to everyone for coming and sharing in that special celebration with us!
Blowing Out the Candles!!!

Konner Riding Jackie!
Birthday Boy Wearing His Crazy Birthday Hat!
Konner's 4 -Wheeler Johnny and I Got Him for His Birthday!
7am - Konner Opening Up Presents Already!!!!