Yesterday we took Konner out to the racetrack to see his Uncle Mike drive a race car! This was all part of the Richard Petty driving experience. We had a lot of fun! Konner was in HEAVEN!!!!! We were right down on pit road and up close to everything going on. Shannon and I tried to get the boys to turn around and look at us for a minute for a picture, but they totally did not want to take their eyes off the racetrack! Mike first went for a ride-along at about 160+ mph! He said that was better than driving b/c of the speed! Then he drive drove by himself and went about 135+ mph. That seems plenty fast to me! When he was done with everything, we were just standing around talking and one of the guys came up to us and asked the boys if they wanted to take a ride around the racetrack. Konner and Nolan immediately said "YEAH!" But Bryce was not wanting to go at all. Being the mean Aunt and Uncle they are (ha ha) Mike and Shannon made Bryce go and he did fine. I don't think he loved it as much as Konner and Nolan, but he did just fine! We all loaded up in a big van and went around the track. It was amazing to see up close how steep the turns are. We all were sliding to the left of the van every time! The boys LOVED it and it was a great way to spend a beautiful morning! Thanks Mike and Shannon for inviting us to come along!
Konner, Nolan and Bryce
Mike driving the white #88
Konner daydreaming of the day he'll be the one driving that race car!
Mike in the Jimmy Johnson #48 for the ride-along!

Mike and the boys!

What a fun family day trip!!!
That would be so awesome!
I asked Bryce if he was scared...he was like "no mommy, I had so much fun!!" He is such a turkey! I am glad they made him go so he could see it was nothing to be afraid of. :)
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