Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Fishing at the Pond
Johnny decided one day to take Konner down to the pond out back and teach him how to fish. Needless to say, Konner LOVED this!!!!! He was actually catching the fish on his own within an hour. Now I am not one that likes to fish so I just went down to take a couple of pictures and came back up to the house to read and watch them from a distance. Konner would yell for me to look every time he caught a fish though. It was a great afternoon watching them fishing down there together!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Beach Trip 2009
Konner and I went down to the beach with a few other family members last week. Had a great time! This is the first time Konner has been to the beach and throughly enjoyed the whole experience! Usually, he doesn't like the sand and eventually the salt water. But this time he loved all of it! It was great to see him enjoy himself as much as he did!
We were right next the big pier in Garden City and so I took Konner for a walk down the pier. We were about half way down when I heard two guys talking about the sharks down there. I took Konner over to see if it were true and it was! They were big Sand Sharks. We saw at least three different ones - two big ones and one little one. It was scary to see them because they were hanging out only about a hundred yards (give or take) from where we were swimming! Needless to say - Konner and I did not go too far into the ocean water at all after that.
It was a good time but I was glad to get back home.
Konner on his "boogie board!"
One of the Sand Sharks
Konner and his cousin Jordan
Shawn - Konner's cousin
Konner playing in the sand and enjoying it!
We were right next the big pier in Garden City and so I took Konner for a walk down the pier. We were about half way down when I heard two guys talking about the sharks down there. I took Konner over to see if it were true and it was! They were big Sand Sharks. We saw at least three different ones - two big ones and one little one. It was scary to see them because they were hanging out only about a hundred yards (give or take) from where we were swimming! Needless to say - Konner and I did not go too far into the ocean water at all after that.
It was a good time but I was glad to get back home.
Konner on his "boogie board!"
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day
I hope all the dads out there had a wonderful day yesterday! We had a lazy day around the house most of the day. Konner was up at 6:30am excited to tell his daddy "Happy Father's Day" and give Johnny his surprise. That kid hates keeping a secret! Then we all went shopping for Johnny to get some new clothes. The poor guy hasn't bought anything for himself in forever so it was nice to see him get some nice stuff. Konner was very helpful in picking out outfits! We didn't always agree with his taste - but it was cute to see what he put together for his dad!
I finally figured out how to use the timer on my camera - so here is our Father's Day picture!
I finally figured out how to use the timer on my camera - so here is our Father's Day picture!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Lowes Motor Speedway
Memorial Day weekend is a big race weekend for Charlotte. Johnny and Uncle Mike decided to take Konner and Nolan to the big race on Sunday. Well as luck would have it - they got rained out and the race was rescheduled for the next day. The boys did get to see a lot of cool pre-race stuff though. Jets flying over head, parachute rs landing on the track, helicopters, big trucks trying to dry the track. In fact, Nolan, who is 3 yrs old, thought that he saw a truck race b/c they he never did get to see the NASCAR racecar go around the track! Konner was disappointed not to see his favorite drivers race. The next day looked a little better for a race, but unfortunately Uncle Mike and Nolan couldn't go back to the track, fortunately for me, they gave me their ticket and I was able to go with Johnny and Konner! We had a lot of fun. Konner did not like the loud noise of the cars racing by but quickly go use to it! His favorite, and mommy's too, Jimmie Johnson, was up front the entire time! We sat through one rain delay and watched the track dry, but when the second rain came - we decided to leave. Konner was already sleeping in my lap and had a lot of fun already so he didn't care. Thanks Mike for that ticket! I had fun with my guys!

Konner & "friends"
As you all maybe already know - Konner loves animals, especially dogs. He collect stuff animal dogs and loves to sleep with them. Right now I think he has 21 "friends" sleeping with him at night. We went over to my grandmother's to spend a couple of night with her while mom was out of town and Konner had to take all of them with us! I told him only two allowed in the bed tough or there wouldn't be room for me!
"Unc" & Aunt Terry
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Mother's Day
Mother's Day is probably one of my favorite days! Being a mom is the most precious thing to me. Konner is such a wonderful child and I am very lucky and blessed to be his mom! My days are full of joy, happiness and laughter everyday now that he is with us.
We spent the morning with Johnny's parents and sister, Shannon(and her little family). We met for breakfast at Cracker Barrel - one of my favorite places to eat breakfast! Then we met up with Kim and Shawn to go visit mom. Unfortunately, mom had to work, but we still all marched into Walmart to say hello! We all planned on getting together later in the week to spend time together, but we couldn't let the day go by without seeing her!
After that quick visit, the three of us went home and took a long nap together! It was a rare moment that will probably never happen again since Konner is phasing out his naps now! Then we all got up and went out to dinner together! Perfect day for me. Just me and my guys - what more could a girl ask for?

We spent the morning with Johnny's parents and sister, Shannon(and her little family). We met for breakfast at Cracker Barrel - one of my favorite places to eat breakfast! Then we met up with Kim and Shawn to go visit mom. Unfortunately, mom had to work, but we still all marched into Walmart to say hello! We all planned on getting together later in the week to spend time together, but we couldn't let the day go by without seeing her!
After that quick visit, the three of us went home and took a long nap together! It was a rare moment that will probably never happen again since Konner is phasing out his naps now! Then we all got up and went out to dinner together! Perfect day for me. Just me and my guys - what more could a girl ask for?
Helping Grandma
A while back, my mom came over and washed her car. Of course, Konner had to help! Let's just say that mom is way more tolerate about Konner getting her hair wet then she ever was with me and Kim growing up! Konner never gets in trouble with Grandma! Anyway, Konner found Grandma's umbrella and the scene was just too cute not to take a few pics. My is going to kill me b/c of the way her hair looks, but the moment was precious!

Charlotte Knights Game
Back in April, Konner's tball team, Mets, was invited to be guests of honor at one of the Charlotte Knights' home games. Only about half of the team was able to go, but they all had fun! They all went out of the field with Coach Bryan and teamed up with one of the Knights' players. They went out on the field with their player during the National Anthem. When I asked him later if that was fun he said "yeah, but I was a little afraid of the brown-face man." I couldn't help but laugh! Kids say the funniest things!
They were able to meet a lot of the area mascots because it was Homer's b-day. Homer is the Knights' mascot. They really enjoyed that! I took Konner for a little walk around the stadium to release some energy, and all the mascots were signing autographs. Konner had all of them sign his t-shirt. That was very cool to him!

They were able to meet a lot of the area mascots because it was Homer's b-day. Homer is the Knights' mascot. They really enjoyed that! I took Konner for a little walk around the stadium to release some energy, and all the mascots were signing autographs. Konner had all of them sign his t-shirt. That was very cool to him!
USS Carolina - Wilmington, NC
I know I am way behind on my updates! I am trying to catch up today - a lot has been going on!
We went to Wilmington, North Carolina with Kim and Shawn to visit the big battleship there. It was a great trip that the boys loved! As you can see - it was a couple of months ago, so it was chilly. We really were able to see every inch of that ship! I was impressed with all the things we were able to do and see. We were able to get a feel for how things really are when you are living day and night on the ship. I tell you though - you can not be a very big person on those ships! They passageways and stairways and seat etc. are very small! Konner was the perfect size to easily climb around and move around without worrying about bumping his head or fitting in and out of some of the "holes" you have to use. The rest of us had to move around with caution! We had a great time - we even took the boys to the beach before we left the area. It was cold but they both wanted to go swimming! I had Konner's swimsuit in the car so I put that on him and he would run in and out of the water having a blast! Shawn did not have a swimsuit and was not allowed to go out very far and get all wet - he was very upset about this! He basically pouted the whole time at the beach b/c of this! Konner - though was having a blast and even tried to catch some seagulls!

We went to Wilmington, North Carolina with Kim and Shawn to visit the big battleship there. It was a great trip that the boys loved! As you can see - it was a couple of months ago, so it was chilly. We really were able to see every inch of that ship! I was impressed with all the things we were able to do and see. We were able to get a feel for how things really are when you are living day and night on the ship. I tell you though - you can not be a very big person on those ships! They passageways and stairways and seat etc. are very small! Konner was the perfect size to easily climb around and move around without worrying about bumping his head or fitting in and out of some of the "holes" you have to use. The rest of us had to move around with caution! We had a great time - we even took the boys to the beach before we left the area. It was cold but they both wanted to go swimming! I had Konner's swimsuit in the car so I put that on him and he would run in and out of the water having a blast! Shawn did not have a swimsuit and was not allowed to go out very far and get all wet - he was very upset about this! He basically pouted the whole time at the beach b/c of this! Konner - though was having a blast and even tried to catch some seagulls!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Easter Sunday
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Lowe's Motor Speedway
Yesterday we took Konner out to the racetrack to see his Uncle Mike drive a race car! This was all part of the Richard Petty driving experience. We had a lot of fun! Konner was in HEAVEN!!!!! We were right down on pit road and up close to everything going on. Shannon and I tried to get the boys to turn around and look at us for a minute for a picture, but they totally did not want to take their eyes off the racetrack! Mike first went for a ride-along at about 160+ mph! He said that was better than driving b/c of the speed! Then he drive drove by himself and went about 135+ mph. That seems plenty fast to me! When he was done with everything, we were just standing around talking and one of the guys came up to us and asked the boys if they wanted to take a ride around the racetrack. Konner and Nolan immediately said "YEAH!" But Bryce was not wanting to go at all. Being the mean Aunt and Uncle they are (ha ha) Mike and Shannon made Bryce go and he did fine. I don't think he loved it as much as Konner and Nolan, but he did just fine! We all loaded up in a big van and went around the track. It was amazing to see up close how steep the turns are. We all were sliding to the left of the van every time! The boys LOVED it and it was a great way to spend a beautiful morning! Thanks Mike and Shannon for inviting us to come along!
Konner, Nolan and Bryce
Konner, Nolan and Bryce
Konner daydreaming of the day he'll be the one driving that race car!
Mike in the Jimmy Johnson #48 for the ride-along!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Dance
Friday, Feb. 13th, Shawn's school hosted a Valentine's Dance for the kids and their family. Konner and I got a little dressed up and went to the dance. Johnny was invited, but didn't want to go (imagine that!). Konner was excited about going and when I asked if he was going to dance with me he said "ok, but I want to really dance with someone my own size...". I asked if that meant he was going to ask a girl to dance and he said yes. I also made Shawn promise me one dance.
Well, we got there and Konner discovered the balloons all over the gym floor. That was the end of the story for Konner. All he wanted to do from that moment on was play with the balloons. Shawn immediately got shy as we walked into the gym. I tried my best to get those two boys to dance but I had no luck. Konner did a little of the Hokey Pokey with me but that was it! Shawn was just too shy to dance.
It was a fun night with the boys though. Kim and I took a lot of pics of them dressed up and I must admit, they were handsome!
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